Nikesh Sharma

Nikesh Sharma is a health and beauty writer, independent researcher with a long history and expertise of providing reliable and relatable health content for magazines, newsletters, websites including blogs and journals. He also enjoy exploring men’s and women’s health category writing articles about sex and relationships, product review and providing information on health.

25 Home Remedies that Work: These Safe, Fast, and Effective Fixes will Relieve what ails you - Cover Story

25 Home Remedies that Work

25 Home Remedies that Work: These Safe, Fast, and Effective Fixes will Relieve what ails you – Cover Story 1 – Bad Breath No other natural remedy freshens bad breath as well as parsley, says David Orlarsh, N.D., a naturopath in Plymouth, N.H. This herbal food garnish is rich in chlorophyll, a green plant compound…

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Not Scared To Be Me

Not Scared To Be Me

Sexy photographs, smart profiles. Fans, friends. Stalkers, networkers. Everyone has attitude and everyone’s wired in. Writer logs in to the World Wide Web… Want to know some of the effects of losing my anonymity? All my friends now know how often I masturbate, what turns me on, and how obsessed with sex I am. As…

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The Rag End Of Life

The Rag End Of Life

There is rampant ragging in colleges despite Supreme Court deeming it a criminal offence. The chilling Aman Kachroo case has brought it to the fore yet again. And here’s what students, parents and the authorities have to say Yes, we are ragged! Though at Hindu College, wooden panels announce ‘This is Hindu, we do not…

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Medical Research, New Technological Advances, an Improvement in Lifestyle and More...

Medical Research, New Technological Advances, an Improvement in Lifestyle and More…

Research, new technological advances, an improvement in lifestyle and more…have changed the quality of our lives and health. Dr Vasundhara Atre details these trends   “The glory of medicine is that it is constantly moving forward, that there is always more to learn.” — William J Mayo MEDICINE has made revolutionary advances.The average person’s life…

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How Your Immune System Works

How Your Immune System Works

How Your Immune System Works? The immune system is an amazingly complex mechanism, which involves numerous components that work together to defend the body THE human body possesses an amazing ‘state-of-the-art’protection mechanism, called the immune system.This mechanism also defined as, “A constellation of responses”is designed to defend the body against bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and…

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