Nikesh Sharma

Nikesh Sharma is a health and beauty writer, independent researcher with a long history and expertise of providing reliable and relatable health content for magazines, newsletters, websites including blogs and journals. He also enjoy exploring men’s and women’s health category writing articles about sex and relationships, product review and providing information on health.

How to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction following prostate cancer surgery

A not uncommon complication of a radical prostatectomy for cancer is erectile dysfunction. According to a new study published in the June 2012 edition of the journal European Urology by UCLA researchers, the risk of this complication can be greatly reduced by selecting the right surgeon and undergoing robotic surgery. According to UCLA Health System,…

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Evaluation of High Risk Pregnancy

Overview High risk pregnancy describes pregnancy with significant risks to the health of both mother and child. These risks can be caused by certain conditions as well as factors such as age, being pregnant with more than a single baby or a history of prior problem pregnancies. Risk Factors Maternal age (young or old), problems…

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The Facts about Fibromyalgia – Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

The Facts about Fibromyalgia, While the millions living with fibromyalgia are acutely aware of this multi-symptom syndrome, many others—including some physicians—are wholly unfamiliar with this complicated, somewhat mysterious condition. Brief History, Broad Spectrum of Symptoms This lack of familiarity can be traced to several factors. First, fibromyalgia only entered the medical lexicon relatively recently. “When…

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment in India

Male erectile dysfunction (MED) is a medical term for the consistent inability to generate or maintain an erection long enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. The problem has long been known as impotence. Chronic erectile dysfunction has a long-term negative effect on sexual performance and emotional well-being. Many men experience a temporary loss of erection: fatigue, stress…

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YES! Men have G-spots too

YES! Men have G-spots too – Till now we thought you could go G-spotting on a woman alone. But hey, ladies, men have G-spots as well? Read on to find out where…   Do men have G-spots too? Yes. It is his prostate gland. It’s just that it often remains unexplored! Says model Jas Arora,…

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Worries of her mind…

FEMALE INFERTILITY IS A TERM THAT REFERS TO INFERTILITY IN FEMALE HUMANS   CAUSES There are many factors related to Infertility but factors relating only to female infertility are: 1.1 General factors Significant liver or kidney disease inherited from parents. Thrombophilia (a natural inclination or tendency to develop thrombosis (blood clots) due to an abnormality…

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Fibroid Surgery India – Energy Pulse

Fibroid Surgery India – Energy Pulse   Using focused ultrasound energy to remove fibroid or wonder diabetes drug Sitagliptin, innovation is the buzzword   LAST WEEK, my mail inbox threw up two interesting medical developments. Not that there aren’t many each week, but these two related to diseases which matter a lot to Indians. Although…

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The Truth About Fibroids

The Truth About Fibroids  Found in 25 to 40 per cent of women, should fibroids be cause for worry? Fibroids are non-cancerous growth arising from the wall of the womb. They are found in 25-40 per cent of women in the reproductive age group. Studies have shown that different types of fibroids grow in various…

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Perk up those ears and you’ll catch whispers of sexual dissatisfied? No, these women are not frigid. They aren’t hitting menopause either. And they are not just heading to gynaecologists and psychologists. Women are talking to astrologers and lawyers. They are buying vibrators. All for some sexual satisfaction.   Count the number of human heads and…

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