Sacred Sexuality Unraveled

Does the term sacred sexuality intrigue you? Are you open to inviting rituals, new techniques and a spiritual practice into your sex and love life? Sacred sexuality can transform you, your life experiences, and your relationships. I’ll tell you how: The Good News Is:                               You can enjoy sacred sexuality on any level of experience and…

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It’s Time To Get Real About SEX

The mere utterance of the word SEX can spark all sorts of debates among parents, politicians, educators, advocates, religious leaders, friends etc., nevertheless it is a conversation that we must have! We talk about war, politics, religion, fashion, music, reality TV shows, celebrities, the latest gossip and so much more, but yet we do not…

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Campus Sexual Assault: Where is the Urgency?

With some of the country’s prestigious colleges and universities under federal investigation for the mismanagement and handling of campus sexual assault claims, policies, and procedures, the current administration has developed a task force and begun spearheading an aggressive campaign to bring awareness to the issue of campus sexual assault. So, where is the urgency? Despite…

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