Have you ever considered dating your ex again? There are a lot of couples who break up and over time manage to re-connect. Well, if the two of you didn’t end things on a friendly note it might not be a good idea. Then again it could benefit one or the both of you to make amends and build a new friendship perhaps even more?
So, the two of you have decided to “date again”. How do you even begin? The first step to dating your ex again will be to COMMUNICATE! If this was an issue that was lacking the first time around; make sure neither one of you make that same mistake. Once you have dealt with whatever separated the two of you in the first place. Then make it a point to leave it in the past and move forward.
Spend time together getting reacquainted. Go to dinners, movies even try long walks with a lot of talking. A lot of time may have gone by and well; some people do change. If the chemistry is there it will bloom by reconnecting. There are more things between couples that keep them together than physical attraction. Learning to appreciate all of a person’s characteristics & flaws is unconditional love.
When you have shared plenty of quality time on dates with one another then the next step will come. The moment will arrive and you both will know it. Do not put so much pressure on yourselves for it to be; as you remember it. Nothing is or can ever be the same. There may have been some issues in the bedroom the first time you were a couple. Perhaps one was not as eager to please as the other. When you take the time to understand each other’s bodies it will be enjoyed mutually. The two of you will open new doors to express yourselves physically resulting in amazing intimacy.
Once your relationship has reached the physical aspect; make sure you continue it. This could be a reason why it didn’t work the first time around. Only the two of you will know. If there was a lack of trust; then forgiveness must be given in order to begin again. You cannot utter the words “I’m sorry I hurt you before” and repeat the same mistake. You must mean it and show it.
Most of the time your friends will be the ones to criticize your newfound friendship with your ex. In reality the only person’s opinion of this relationship should be between you and him/her. Do not allow anyone to ever interfere with your relationships.
Let it be clear to all, that the two of you have rekindled the romance and are making it work. All you must do now is learn from your past and strive for the best of it all. Not too many couples are able to get second chance. It’s hard enough as it is to find one relationship yet alone rekindle an old one. So if you’re lucky enough to reconnect with an ex of yours and things move merrily along; by all means go with it. Life is too short to not try anything more than once.
Now some people will disagree and say that; “It didn’t work the first time, why try again”? The only answer I have for this is; True love never dies & when you both forgive one another for the past then there can be hope between the both of you for a better future. Or have a great friendship. To each their own..