The word Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of the seven basic energy centers in the body that corresponds to nerve ganglia branching from the spinal column, as well as states of consciousness, developmental stages of life, archetypal elements, body functions, colors, sounds, and much, much more. Together they form a profound formula for wholeness and a template for transformation.
The power of your life force moves through your chakra system, which is composed of wheels of energy that spin constantly in your body. These invisible wheels of energy generate and awaken a new awareness of who you are and how to deal with your world. Day after day your heart beats, your lungs breathe and your chakras spin, drawing in the life force all around you, replenishing, harmonizing and aligning your energetic body.
How The Chakras Work
You can’t see your chakras but you can see your body. You may not even be able to feel them at first, but as you become more familiar with them and their properties you will soon begin to sense them energetically. You will soon be able to recognize their presence and power in your life. It is through your chakra system that you draw your kundalini (prana, qi, force of life) from the base of your spine up to the top of your head, toward the destination of awakening consciousness.
There are seven basic energy centers that are most commonly known but in actuality there are hundreds of less significant chakras in your body. They all have sounds, colors and qualities that they represent.
The Seven Chakras
- 7th Chakra located at the crown of your head, stands for the Totality of Beingness, Spiritual Perfection, Enlightenment. The color is violet.
- 6th Chakra located in the center of your forehead, stands for Visualization, Spiritual Sight, Clairvoyance. The color is indigo.
- 5th Chakra located at the throat stands for Communication, Speaking your Truth, Creative Expression. The color is deep blue.
- 4th Chakra located at the heart, and the center of this system, stands for Unconditional Love, Compassion, Empathy. The color is green.
- 3rd Chakra located at the solar plexus, stands for Creation of Self, Inner Power and Strength, Perception and Projection of Self. The color is yellow.
- 2nd Chakra located at the sacral (pubic bone), stands for Sexual Energy, Life Force, Creativity. The color is orange.
- 1st Chakra located at the perineum and base of the spine, stands for Physical Vitality, Security, Safety and Survival. The color is red.
Yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar describes the chakras “As antennae pick up radio waves and transform them into sound through a receiving set, chakras pick up cosmic vibrations and distribute them throughout the body.”
When this body is out of balance you may feel it in a variety of ways. Your chakra system collects energy not only from the cosmos but from your own emotional body as well as the energetic body of other people. The chakra system is the central processing center for every aspect of your being and because of this any blockage or other energetic imbalance in a chakra will create disorders in your body, mind or spirit. If this occurs the energy in that chakra will feel dense and this will out-picture in a corresponding way in your life.
So if you feel unsafe in the world and are not feeling secure, you know that your first chakra which represents security, safety and survival in the world is out of balance.
For this reason it is a good idea to cleanse your chakra system daily to release, realign and recalibrate them. To learn how to do this you can watch this video:
Each chakra is a rung on your personal evolutionary ladder, resonating with a frequency of life energy that we learn to master and integrate on our way to wholeness. With each chakra on the tantric path, you learn to master a unique aspect of life and human experience. Each chakra brings gifts and abilities as well as challenges, dilemmas, and demands for our functional and relational participation in life.