Normal and Abnormal Sexual Differentiation Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment in India

Normal and Abnormal Sexual Differentiation Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment in India

Normal and Abnormal Sexual Differentiation The words, “It’s a boy” and “It’s a girl” can be heard every hour of every day all around the world. But how distressing it must be when the birth attendants are unable to make such a clear pronouncement? Ambiguous genitalia occurs in about one in every 2,000 births, is…

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Hydrocele inguinal hernia surgery in India

Hydroceles and Inguinal Hernias Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment in India

Hydroceles and inguinal (groin) hernias can create problems in males. But do they cause pain and dysfunction? When and how should they be treated? The following information should help you talk to a urologist about these two conditions. What causes hernias and hydroceles? Testicles develop near kidneys in the abdomen and descend from that location…

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